Painting process

Ruth Egon in painting studio

To create vivid colour palettes and combinations my painting process is vital, and at the heart of how I create these visual results.

I use oil paints, as the pigment tones and depth are unrivalled to any other medium. My painting process works in layers to create an intensity of colour, and blend contrasting colours. This means my work takes many months to create, as I let layers dry in between to layer up successfully, otherwise working with wet on wet paint it would become a muddy colour. 

To get inspired, I collect imagery and use a sketchbook to experiment with imagery and colour. Before I start a new canvas, I have a few images for reference and a strong idea of what message I'd like to convey but the composition is not clearly mapped out. I use my instinct to make decisions on how I put together the various imagery and colour. 

You can follow my paintings in progress on social media: